本篇文章给大家谈谈空运 my,以及空运MYC是什么费用对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收***本站喔。 今天给各位分享空运 my的知识,其中也会对空运MYC是什么费用进行解释,如果能碰巧解决***现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!
1. 表示“命令”“吩咐”,可用作动词或名词;注意相应的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等用虚拟语气(should+v.)。如:
He ordered that the goods should be sent by air. 他命令货物得空运。
His order is that all the soldiers should start at once. 他的命令就是所有的士兵马上出发。
He g*e orders that the work should be started immediately. 他发出指示要立即开始工作。
正:The boss ordered the work (to be) finished in time.
正:The boss ordered that the work (should) be finished in time.
2. 表示“订购”,也可用作动作和名词,注意以下常用句型:
正:They ordered 500 pairs of shoes from the factory.
正:They placed an order for 500 pairs of shoes with the factory.
3. 表示“点菜”,也可用作名词(可数)或动词(及物)。如:
May I h*e your order, please? 请问***要点什么菜?
What shall I order for you? Steak or fish? 我给***叫什么菜? 是牛排还是鱼?
4. 表示“顺序”“秩序”“整齐”,只用作名词(不可数),注意以下常见搭配:in order(按序,整齐),in good (bad) order (有 / 无条理),keep order(维持秩序),out of order(坏了,不运转),in order of size (date, time)(按大小、年***、时间顺序排列),等。
5. 比较 in order to与in order that:两者都表示目的,但前者后接动词原形,后者后接句子。如:
She learnt typing in order to help her hu*and with his work. 她学习打字是为了帮助她丈夫工作。
I bought a new car in order that my wife might learn to drive. 我买了一辆新车,以便我妻子学习驾驶。
注意,in order to do sth 的否定式是in order not to do sth,而不是not in order to do sth。如:
They must h*e worn gloves in order not to le*e any fingerprints. 他们一定戴上了手套,以防留下指纹。
如果主句与从句主语相同,in order to 与 in order that 通常可以互换。如:
正:I watched him in order to know more about him.
正:I watched him in order that I could know more about him.
如果主句与从句主语不相同,in order to与in order that有时也可以互换,但要注意在in order后接for * to do sth。如:
正:I told him the news instantly in order that he might ease his mind.
正:I told him the news instantly in order for him to ease his mind.
关于空运 my和空运MYC是什么费用的介绍到此就结束了,不知******从中找到***需要的信息了吗 ?如果***还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收***关注本站。 空运 my的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢***花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于空运MYC是什么费用、空运 my的信息别忘了在本站进行查找喔。